Be the
that You can be


Welcome to Ladybridge Primary School.

Welcome to the Ladybridge Primary School website from the Co-Headteachers Mr Tom Bolan Ashworth and Mrs Emma Hill.

At Ladybridge Primary School, we aim to develop an environment where all children are valued as unique individuals and treated with fairness, care and consideration. Attitudes of mutual respect and tolerance for all are actively encouraged through the subjects we teach and the attitudes we instil.

As an inclusive school, we believe that it is the right of all pupils to have access to a curriculum that will provide opportunities to acquire new skills, knowledge and understanding. This can most effectively be achieved through stimulating and challenging activities that are matched to the individual levels of ability of the children.

Children are encouraged to be self-motivated, to adopt a positive attitude to learning and to take responsibility for the choices they make.

We aim to give the best possible preparation for life beyond Ladybridge Primary School. Our children are encouraged to develop in confidence and to achieve their full potential academically, spiritually, emotionally, socially and physically.

Mission Statement

  • At Ladybridge we ensure that children know, understand and practice our motto - “Be the best that you can be.”
  • Our Core Values are Respect, Aiming High and Resilience – these values are weaved through the whole curriculum and all aspects of school life.
  • Through weekly circles and PSHE lessons children learn and understand the five golden rules:
    • Be kind.
    • Always tell the truth.
    • Listen to grown-ups.
    • Walk around school.
    • Not to hurt others.
  • Ladybridge School provides a quality education for all in a safe and secure environment.
  • At Ladybridge we work in close partnership with home; the local community including All Hallows church, and services such as School Age Plus, School Nurse, etc.
  • Through high standards and expectations we help every individual to achieve their potential.
  • We celebrate success and achievement in all things.
  • We use restorative practice to ensure that we build social capital where children and staff show love, respect, forgiveness and compassion to all.
  • We provide the foundation for children to become happy, confident, independent learners.
  • We aspire to provide young people with ideas and dreams, with a vision of what they want to achieve, with a love of life and a zest for living.

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‘Respect, Resilience and Aiming High’

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Find Us

Ladybridge Primary School

Councillor Lane, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 2JF

Emma Hill and Tom Bolan-Ashworth

T: 0161 428 5445


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