Physical Education

Physical Education at Ladybridge Primary School
The needs and backgrounds of our children, and the school’s core values underpin all areas of our curriculum.
At Ladybridge, we aim to foster an interest in sport and physical activity in order to support our children’s health and mental well-being. Physical Education is seen as a subject that is followed only at school. It is seen in the active, healthy lifestyles they follow at home and the interests our children pursue in the wider community. Further, it is not just a subject while they are of school age, but a life-long activity that will sustain their physical and mental health.
Through Physical Education, our children develop not just as individuals but also as members of a team; learning to encourage, develop and support each other’s success. They grow to understand the importance of structure and rules to enable positive experiences. Through competition, they learn to celebrate achievement and to manage disappointment.
Our curriculum aims to develop three main areas of activity (Games, Gymnastics and Dance). In Early Years, this follows the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, emphasising the development of good control and co-ordination in movement and handling as well as an understanding of how this contributes to a healthy body. All Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 classes follow a progressive curriculum that develops knowledge and skills in each area as well as an understanding of associated vocabulary. In Key Stage 2, Swimming and Outdoor Adventurous Activity (OAA) are added to the curriculum skills to provide a broad range of physical activities and to teach life-saving skills.
Apart from in Early Years where the curriculum follows a continuous-provision model, each class has two hours of PE lessons each week: one focussing on Games (or Swimming/OAA in KS2) and one focussing on Gymnastics or Dance. Lessons develop skills and then use those skills in practical and/or competitive situations; we also hold termly House competitions. Children are encouraged to self and peer assess in order to develop skills further. Formal lessons are complemented with physical learning in other subjects: each class aims to complete 30 minutes active-learning each day to emphasise that physical activity underpins all we do.
To develop the wider community aspect of our curriculum, we employ trained coaches from Stockport County FC Community Trust to teach Games across the school. We work with Stockport SHAPES School Sports Co-ordinator (SSCo) to provide high quality PE provision for 2 classes each term which enables high quality CPD for the teachers involved.
The children at Ladybridge experience a wide range of sporting and physical activity taught by skilled staff and outside professionals. They develop a healthy attitude to exercise and to competition as well as an awareness of how a healthy lifestyle can be sustained. They work individually and together to improve. These skills provide a solid foundation for later life and learning.