
Music at Ladybridge Primary School


At Ladybridge Primary School, we believe that every child is musical; we seek to develop our children’s creativity and sensitivity to music in its various forms. Children are actively involved in singing individually and as part of ensembles and choirs; listening to music, composing music and performing music in class lessons and whole school presentations. Our Music curriculum is inclusive; all children will learn to play an instrument and will take part in performances at school and venues such as the Town Hall.


Our Music curriculum is spiral and develops a progression of skills from EYFS to year 6 and includes all interrelated aspects of musical understanding, skills and performance.  Online resources such as Churranga support the delivery of skills.  Children have a music lesson and a key stage collective singing lesson every week.

We work in conjunction with Stockport Music Service and are part of a wider ‘In Harmony’ project.  Our Resource class, EYFS and KS1 have high quality weekly lessons supported by the Music Service, this is Professional Development for the teachers and support staff in those classes.  All children in Key Stage 2 learn to play an orchestral instrument including violins, violas, cellos, clarinets, flutes, percussion and brass. The children come together as a school orchestra every Wednesday afternoon. Young Carers are given additional individual tuition as part of a wellbeing music project. This music tuition is funded by the Music Service.  Children across school can also learn to play the guitar or ukulele, this is funded by parents.


As children develop the range of musical skills they become confident music readers, performers and composers, they can express their taste in music and can describe musical styles over time. Children confidently perform individually, in groups and as a whole school on a regular basis. Children are invited to join local ensembles, youth orchestras bands and choirs.

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Ladybridge Primary School

Councillor Lane, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 2JF

Emma Hill and Tom Bolan-Ashworth

T: 0161 428 5445


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