Core Values and Values

Vision Statement
At Ladybridge Primary School, we aim to develop an environment where all children are valued as unique individuals and treated with fairness, care and consideration. Attitudes of mutual respect and tolerance for all are actively encouraged through the subjects we teach and the attitudes we instil.

As an inclusive school, we believe that it is the right of all pupils to have access to a curriculum that will provide opportunities to acquire new skills, knowledge and understanding. This can most effectively be achieved through stimulating and challenging activities that are matched to the individual levels of ability of the children.

Children are encouraged to be self-motivated, to adopt a positive attitude to learning and to take responsibility for the choices they make.

We aim to give the best possible preparation for life beyond Ladybridge Primary School. Our children are encouraged to develop in confidence and to achieve their full potential academically, spiritually, emotionally, socially and physically.

Core Values and Motto
The core values at Ladybridge are: Respect, Aiming High and Resilience. Children are actively taught core values through all of their work in school. During each learning challenge children reflect on how they have worked towards the values in all aspects of their enquiry, knowledge and key aspects of their learning over a half term. The school motto is ‘Be the best that you can be.’ The school motto reflects the aspiration that all children can achieve irrespective of their starting point or background.

Curriculum Intention, Implementation and Impact
Intention – At Ladybridge it is our intention that children will have deep and interesting lessons in all subjects, all children have the ability to learn and achieve regardless of the their starting point. Children will learn respect through inclusive and non-judgmental lessons and by all staff proactively challenging attitudes such as racism, sexism and stereotypes. We have high expectations for all children to aim high, we teach resilience skills so that all children can achieve.

Implementation – Children will work collaboratively using Drama, active learning and Kagan strategies, shared projects and through assessment for learning opportunities such as peer and self-assessment. Children will explore subjects through deep questions, they will have differentiated challenges.

Impact – Children will be deeply engaged in their learning. They will make links between subjects and develop personal values that equip them to be good citizens. All children will make good progress. It is the expectation that all non-SEND children will achieve age related expectations; that children with barriers for learning will achieve and that more able children will be challenged to work at a higher level.

Emma Hill & Tom Bolan-Ashworth

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Find Us

Ladybridge Primary School

Councillor Lane, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 2JF

Emma Hill and Tom Bolan-Ashworth

T: 0161 428 5445
