
Enrichment forms an important part of the curriculum at Ladybridge. Each Friday, children have an enrichment session which introduces and develops skills not already covered in the National Curriculum, for example, first aid training, citizenship and art.


Our Year 6 children are given the opportunity to foster a love of reading in our younger children, and develop a sense of responsibility, by taking on a librarian role. Our younger children enjoy reading to our Year 6s.


There are four house at Ladybridge: Lions, Tigers, Leopards and Panthers. All pupils from Nursery to Year 6 are placed into a house - we aim to keep siblings in the same house where possible. Throughout the course of the year, pupils have the opportunity to take part in Interhouse sporting competitions and learning about the wider world.


All children at Ladybridge can learn to play an instrument. School provide free instrument tuition for pupils in our Year 5 and 6 class, through the Stockport Music Service: children can learn to play a wide selection of brass, wind and stringed instruments. Each week the children play together as a school orchestra under the direction of their music teachers.

Children across the school can also learn to play the guitar and ukulele through the Frontline Music Company who visit school each week.

Football Club

UK Sports run our football club for Years 4, 5 and 6, after school on a Thursday evening until 4.15.

We are looking forward to our first inter-schools football match.

The cost is £3 per week, payable each half term.

If your child is interested please speak to the office and they can help you set this payment up.

Resource Club

Mrs Parker runs a weekly after school club for the pupils in our Resourced Provision. This takes place on a Wednesday evening, and the pupils thoroughly enjoy themselves.

First Aid Club

Mrs Chantler runs our first aid club for KS2 pupils every other half term. Look out for letters coming home if your child is interested in this.

Active Club

UK Sports runs our Active Club on a Wednesday evening for Years 1, 2 and 3. The children enjoy building the fundamentals of sporting ability in these sessions.

Energize Gymnastics

Children can participate in an external gymnastics club through Energize Gymnastics. You can book and pay for this on the following website.


School Trips

At Ladybridge Primary School we understand that educational visits can have a significant impact every child's learning journey, as well as enhancing their life experiences. Below there are some photographs from recent school trips we have taken part in.


Find Us

Ladybridge Primary School

Councillor Lane, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 2JF

Emma Hill and Tom Bolan-Ashworth

T: 0161 428 5445

E: headteacher@ladybridge.stockport.sch.uk