
On this page you will information about planning at Ladybridge Primary School.

At Ladybridge, we run a cyclic approach to planning.  In EYFS and KS1, the are two cycles: A and B. In KS2, there are four cycles: A, B, C and D.  Teachers work collaboratively to plan lessons for their class around a specific theme or 'question', but still ensure that National Curriculum expectations are met for each subject.  Progression can be seen for each subject as you move through the school.

For English, we plan writing using a Cold, Warm and Hot Writing approach, incorporating handwriting, spelling and grammar into daily lessons.  We teaching reading in Reading Skills lessons, using VIPERS style questions linked to a whole class extract.

We use White Rose Maths to plan our daily Maths lessons, which ensures coverage of all aspects of the National Curriculum with a focus on fluency, problem solving and reasoning.

Using the links below, you will have access to the Overview for this year's (2023-2024) cycle, as well as more detailed planning for Learning Challenge, English and Maths coverage for each half term. These will be uploaded at the beginning of each half term.

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Ladybridge Primary School

Councillor Lane, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 2JF

Emma Hill and Tom Bolan-Ashworth

T: 0161 428 5445


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