School Nurse
School Nursing Team
3rd Floor Stopford House
Telephone Number 0161 835 6085
July 2020
Dear Parents/Carers
Welcome to the Stockport School Nursing Service. Our team includes Specialist Community Public Health Nurses, School Staff Nurses and School Nurse Assistants. The team are experienced in offering support, advice, and information to families of school aged children and young people from school entry to 16 years, in all aspects of general health. We also offer signposting and referral to other specialist services.
Due to COVID19 and current restrictions in place we have been unable to meet you at the new intake meeting in school to introduce the service, and discuss any worries you may have regarding your child`s health and well being. However, you can contact us by phone or email to discuss any concerns or worries you have and we can offer support via either a virtual contact or telephone call.
To help your child be ready to start their school journey in September, when it is possible to do so, please make an appointment for the opticians and dentist. Also please ensure your child is up to date with their immunisations. Your child is required to have their pre-school booster and 2nd MMR. GP services in Stockport are still offering this service so please contact your surgery for more information.
There are some useful tips on how to help your child get for school and fun activities on the Start Well page:
Finally, all of us at Stockport School Nursing wish you and your child well during this difficult time with COVID19 and look forward to meeting you when safe to do so.
Yours sincerely
Stockport School Nursing Team
Stockport School Nursing and Health Visiting Advice Line 0161 835 6789
Stockport Health Visiting and School Nursing Service